Checklist Perkahwinan Template

Afternoon,Ridzuan and I are very appreciative that our wedding timeline has struck many good chords from the public. Honestly, I enjoyed planning the timeline with Ridzuan. Apparently, our ‘ paused’ button has reached it’s maximum capacity therefore, we restarted our discussion on our timeline. WHICH we realised that we forgot about the pre-marriage course!To go, or not to go: that is the question (I know, I am no William Shakespeare but heck, I want to tweak his quote accordingly)Any suggestions, opinions or violent objections?

Should Ridzuan and I go for it?Unfortunately, till next time okay? Not much to update since our bridal meet up with Hana Bridal is only at the end of this month and the Candy Bar station is still in a pot stewing slowly on a stove (in another words, the idea has been visualised but my sister and I have not went out to buy items. All talk, no action. Haha!)So till then tata!note to self: always work on a budget.

Checklist Perkahwinan Template 2017

Hi all,It’s been ages since I’ve posted anything in this wordpress!!! Went to KL for a short trip, slower work week due to holidays and today is New Years’ Eve! Gosh, it has been an exciting year (pretty expected description – trying to be positive here.

Hehe)Okay, let’s get back on track Today, I am going to share my way of managing the wedding plans however, my timeline is not completed therefore, I will post soon once it’s completed. Oh, before I forget, today’s post will be short and sweet I am on half day today so I want to leave the office as soon as possible.Here’s my Excel financial/budget tracking sheet:And here’s my predicted milestones:I will update will more information and it will be timeline from January 2015 to the wedding date.Please note that my wedding management is ‘no hard and fast rules’ Each bride works differently. For me, I create tracking sheets, pivot tables, milestone tracking, timeline graphs and even with all those, I still do note things down in the traditional way of notebook and a pen.If you have any interesting way of managing your wedding, do drop me a note! 🙂Anyway, happy holidays!!!!!!Cheers,Serynna. Hello,Guess who’s back, back again!!! Serynna’s back, back again!!!!

Aturcara Majlis Perkahwinan Pdf

Been going toilet regularly! Suffered from food poisoning for TWO and a HALF days!(note: I’ve tried to puke gracefully. Hehe)Honestly, the “W” preparation ‘nervosa’ has subsided which brought us to this simple conclusion PPPPHHHEEEEWWWWW!!! Not sure Ridzuan and I are more chilled about it or that we have other things in mind such as going KL (with my sister, bro-in-law and niece) YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!Anyway, let’s get back to the main reason that I am blogging today. STUPENDOUS!Here are some of the ways that you keep track on your wedding preparation milestones (not just for your wedding, it can be your engagement, or even for your normal savings/budget)Also, always go back to your list so that you will be able to update your list against the budget excel sheet according to your key milestones.For an example:1) Caterer – Paid $300 on the first quarter of 20142) Decorator3) Bridal4) Deejay5) Photographer – Paid $50 as deposit on the 3rd quarter of 20146) Kompang7) Wedding RingTherefore, you will be able to track down easily on your journey. As for me, I do it all on Microsoft Excel of which using Pivot table helps!So do you have any other tips?

Handwritten updates in an awesome notebook? Or calendar updates?Do drop me a comment on your tips and techniques! Share it with the rest BTBs! 🙂Cheers,Serynna Categories. Tags,.

Hi all,WARNING: This will be a self-centered post!. Apologies.Recently, I have settled some of the major items for the wedding therefore, I started searching and emailing bakeries and also home bakers.

Received some replies however, the type of cake designs I had received did not match my budgetBoohoohooDo note: the cake designs that they provided were like those you can find in normal bakeries such as Bengawan Solo, Polar, Prima Deli or traditional local bakers.Although the dismal is indisputable, it is just wedding cake. Seriously, it’s not as bad And so, anyone can recommend any bakers who are able to recreate the cake/cupcake designs (below) with budget below $300? Do leave a comment, I will be very grateful! 🙂So that’s all folks!!!Cheers,SerynnaCategories. Tags,. Today, I shall post on the list of vendors that provide cake/cupcakes/macaron and many more Once again, I will not be able to review on the vendors since I have not ordered any item from them therefore, this list is just for anyone who want to order dessert for any occasion!


So if anyone has already ordered any product from any of the vendors listed, please drop me a comment! 🙂And of course, if I do miss out any other vendors, you know what to do Hit the button “comment” and list it down! 🙂1)2)3)4)5) (macarons!)6)7)8)9)10)11)12)13)14)15)16)17)18)19)20)21)22)23)24)25)26) (Scones!)27) (Pavlova!)28) (Blossoms!)29)30) (Private account)31)32)33)34)35)36)37)38)39)40)41)42)43)44)45)46)47)48)49)50)51)So there you go, 50 (+1) vendors in Singapore.Cheers,Serynna Categories. Tags,.

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