Edit Command Com File
Table of Contents.File handling using vi and vim editorThe vi and vim are two widely used command line editors on the Unix-like systems (including Linux). And many of the users know about vi and vim editor.Following are the simple commands you can use to create the file and edit it.
Using vi editor vi fileNameThere are two modes of opening file in vi editors. One is command mode and other is insert mode.
.com File Extension
As it’s not the part of this discussion. And it’s a big topic to discuss in full fledge. We will describe it in the upcoming article. Using vim editor vim fileNameWhat if you don’t have vi or vim editor installed on your system? How to Edit File without vi/vim Editor in Linux?You can use cat or touch command.
Using cat as a text editorUsing cat command to create file cat fileNameWrite the content and once it is done press ctrl+D.It will save the contents to the file.Note: Every time when you run this command, it will erase all the contents and write newly entered content. So, be careful if you have any important data in your file.If you want to edit a file using cat, try the following the command cat - /path/to/file 4. Using touch commandYou can also create the file using touch command.
Touch fileName 5. Using ssh and scp commandsIf you are working on the Linux server, you can see there are limited packages installed on the server. There may be a restriction of using resources and so installed packages.If none of the commands work, follow the steps give below. Login into Linux server using ssh command. Download the file on the local machine from server.
Update the file on the local machine. Copy the file back to the server. You can use the scp command (Secure Copy Paste command) to copy a file from the local machine to the server.You can use the simple scp command to copy the file from server to your local system. Scp server:/file/name. Using other Programming LanguageIf you have scripting or any other programming language installed on your system, you can use that to create and edit the file. For example.It is pretty easy to edit the file using vi and vim editor.
But sometimes you may need to edit the file without vi and vim editor. Hope these commands will help you to edit file if there is no vi, vim.Other vi/vim editor’s commands f0r enhancing your Linux experience:.If you have any doubt or if you have any another alternative to edit file without vi/vim editor, feel free to write in a comment below.
You could also create a.bat file, edit.bat, to replace the 16-bit edit program (removed because x64 windows flavors won't run it) which would launch your favorite editor. @echo offnotepad%1@echo onThis is what I wound up doing as a simple patch so I could carry on the way I always had for the most part. Just type: edit myfile.extin the command prompt to use it.Note: notepad is not my favorite editor - this is just an example that will work with stock windows.Note 2: @echo off and @echo on are shown for clarity. You may also shorten this by omitting the echo statements and simply placing the @ before the command to be silenced.