Flash Player Activex Is Not Installed On Your System

Dear Sir / Madam,Recently, I have experienced some problems installing the Adobe Flash Player Installer as well asActiveX Control.When I log on to a website that needs Flash Player, the information bar will prompt me and of course, I click to install the Flash Player Installer and the ActiveX Control. However, after I click OK to let the installer run, the pop up for the installer appearsagain, and when I try to install again, nothing happens and the installer is not downloaded.I have tried going to the Adobe website for troubleshooting (see: ) but have failed. Viasat history serbia programdownload free software programs online. Also when I try to download the Flash Player from the website, (see:) and it says, 'This content requires Flash.To view this content, JavaScript must be enabled, and you need the latest version of the Adobe FlashPlayer.' So when I click 'Download the free flash player now!'

Nothing happens - I am directed back to the same page again.Could you kindly help me look into this problem ASAP? I hope I can get this problem fixed because I am now unable to view animations and it is very frustrating.Thank you, and I look forward to your favourable reply.Yours sincerely,Grapejam.

Hello Grapejam,Welcome to the Microsoft Answers Community!The link that you provided “ ” takes me to a page that talks about 64-bit compatibility. Currently thereisn’t an Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer 64-bit, so you have to use the 32-bit version which is already installed on a 64-bit operating system. Follow these steps to access your 32-bit Internet Explorer. ClickStart ClickComputer/My Computer OpenProgram Files (x86) OpenInternet Explorer Openiexplorer.exeNow try to install Adobe Flash Player. If you receive any error or crashes, repeat the reset Internet Explorer (Suggestion 4 from Vijay) steps.Hope that helps, look forward to hearing back from you.StevenMicrosoft Answers Support EngineerVisit our and let us know what you think.

Flash Player Activex Is Not Installed On Your System Windows 10

If you have a previous version of Adobe Flash player installed on your system, you must first unisntall the previous. To this you can go to the Adobe Website and download the unistall program.Go here to download:Save the unistall progam to your desktop and close all programs.Be sure to close all messenger programs as well as the browser before running the uninstall program.Once you have uninstalled the flash player, you can then install the Adobe Flash player.Go here to download the latest version of Adobe flash player:Good Luck!

Hello guys, I have found a fix that works for and FireFox. First uninstall, go to 'Start', 'Control Panel', 'Add or Remove Programs', then finally remove Adobe Flash Player 10. After that, close ALL windows. Now, go in your browser. Go here -Just copy and paste it to your Internet Explorer browser.

Next, click on Windows 7/ Vista/XP/2008/2003/2000. Then circle the 'Flash Player 10 for Windows - Other Broswers'.

Run and install. Hopefully when you go into Google Chrome or Firefox this works for you, thank you for reading.Things you could have done wrong -1. You didn't use Internet Explorer2. Didn't close EVERY other window.

I have struck this problem many times and it has sent me insane Luckily my hair is already grey.Here are the steps I now use with 100% success.(12 times out of 12)Run regeditSearch the registry(CTRL F) for flash (put a space after the word flash)The first key it finds, try and delete and you will find it does not allow you to.Which is why the install fails because it cant overwrite the key.Right click the key and click on permissions.Select either the everyone logon or domain users if you are on a network and give them full permisions. Click advanced select the box for replace permission entries and apply.You should now be able to delete the key.Press F3 to search again and repeat the above for the second key found.Flash will now install.


I also couldn't get Adobe Flash to install on a new Windows 7 computer. At first, I got an 'unable to register' error. I followed the instructions posted here to install and run Microsoft's SubInACL program, and that error went away but it still wouldn't install. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling multiple times (including running the installer with Administrator privileges), and tried installing from IE and FireFox.

It would say it installed successfully, but still wouldn't run. When I'd visit the Adobe's web site it would say I still needed to install Flash.I submitted a trouble ticket to Adobe and got a quick response. They had me do the following:In Internet Explorer 8 click on Tools then Internet options then the Advanced tab then choose 'Reset Internet Explorer settings'.Download and run installflashplayer10activex.exe from AdobeNavigate to C:WindowsSystem32MacromedFlash (may be a different path if you're on the 64-bit version)Right-click FlashUtil10d.exe (you might have a different version), click the Compatibility tab and select 'Run as Administrator.' Click OK and run the program.That did it. The difference must have been the first step - resetting IE. I had tried all the other steps repeatedly. I WILL TRY TO HELP YOU BECAUSE I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM, BUT WHEN I READ THREAD I DIDNT FIND ANY ANSWER SO WHAT I DID.


THEN THERES AN OPTION THAT SAYS 1. Download the executable Flash Player installer:. FlashPlayer10ActiveX (Internet Explorer for Windows only). FlashPlayer10Plugin (All other Windows browsers)I CHOSED THIS FlashPlayer10Plugin (All other Windows browsers) AND IT WORKED FOR ME. I HAVE MOZILLA STILL. GOD BLESS YOU ALL. THANK YOU JESUS:').

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