Shape 3d Crack
Probably file protection on the shape3d file which I noticed on a few boards made with a low level license. It's designed to prevent you doing what you want to do. Only way would be get someone with a higher license to resave the file in an open license file.I thinkread more in shape3d manual i guessnext time I suggest don't use shape3d - use akushaper to shape, then load in boardcad, then export splines/polylines and loft in a proper 3D program because STL is rubbish.if aku ever stops working with boardcad then drop it and start with boardcad or go straight to a 3d program (polymetric solid). Aloha Andy-I respectfully disagree.Bringing something non-native into BoardCAD and then back out to re-loft in a parametric 3D system seems excessive.unless there is an ulterior motive such as starting with someone else's design file or trying to uses a non-boardmaking CNC to cut a board.BoardCAD can do all the design and all of the outputs a typical do-it-yourself person would need.I have taken 3 boards all the way through BoardCAD to STL/DXF to CNC, 2 out of foam and 1 as plywood ribs for HWS. No big issues on any of them that could not be solved with a little time and effort.All that said, I normally just design 2D rocker and outline templates in Draftsight and realize the 3D on the stands. Export.pdf outline template from Shape3D Lite to BoardCad to print.I know this thread is a bit old but searching 'open Shape3D in BoardCad' me here.
As says, save as older shape3d format (V8.s3d)Also: File name can't have numbers or characters (Mine was saved as 6'2'x19' which Boardcad couldn't read) and the other problem was the fin plugs. Changed the name to board.s3d and set finplugs to 0 on in Shape3D and now BoardCad can open file.My reason for using BoardCad this was to export/print.pdf as full size for a paper template.
Shape 3d Cnc
Shape3D requires full licence for this feature.Hope this helps someone in the future. Timsluis- the tip about setting fin plugs =0 in Shape3D to play nice with BoardCAD is awesome, thanks!For 'problematic' prints I create a high resolution JPEG file from the original software with a virtual printer driver (like PaperPort). Then I bring that JPEG into software that better supports large plots (like Draftsight). I draw a box that is the correct size and move and scale the JPEG to match the box.
Shape 3d Crack Software
Shape3d License
It's not CNC ready or anything but it gets the job done for hand-cut templates.