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I have users who use some software the requires a usb license key device to beconnectedto the pc to work. Without this usb drive, the software will not function properly. We started out with just 5 users who had individual keys but our company has grown quite a bit so we would like to try and a share that key so a few of our some remote users cna log into a virtual pc and user the software. Unfortunately, the software will not run on Server 2012 so I had to go down to Server 2008. Server 2008 does not allow for the sharing of physical resources to virtual pc.

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Does anyone no of a way to share the usb license key with my virtual pc's? It's unwise to try to use production software in an supported configuration. Confirm with your vendor that they allow AND SUPPORT how you want to run it. If they don't you need to look for other vendors or what solutions they offer. This software must be very important to your business or you wouldn't need so many users running it - if so, then pay the vendor the one time fees they need to keep developing it and stay in business.

By trying to cheat them out of revenue you may save a few dollars but be complicit in the company's ultimate demise and then you'll never have a version of the software that runs on a modern system. Let me get this straight, re-reading your question, how many security keys do you have and how many users do you want to access it?there is 1:1 relationship with accessing a USB device. Sharing a USB device is not like sharing a Network File Share, once a user is connected to a usb security key, it's exclusively locked to that user in that user session, unless it's a special network USB edition.the same in fact if you gave it to that user, and they physically plugged it into their PC, it does not make it widely available to all, that requires a network security key.Do you have a network edition of the software, or are you trying to use 1 key and share it to 5 users?e.g. We have network editions for our network keys, e.g. For 50 users at a time, this is a hard limit on the usb key, and it's designed as a network edition.

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