Akbar Birbal Stories In English Pdf
One day, one rich man wanted to punish a man named Hasan. He blamed him that he had stolen necklace from his house, and reported to the Akbar. The case was brought in the court. Akbar asked the man, “Why do you think that Hasan has stolen your necklace?” The man replied, “Your Honor, I have seen him stealing the necklace.” Hasan said, “No Huzoor I am innocent, I do not know anything about necklace.”The rich man said, “Huzoor If he is innocent, let him prove his innocence. Let me bring the hot iron, and if he can hold it in his bare hands, then I will agree that he has not stolen my necklace, and he is speaking truth.”Hasan said, “If I am speaking the truth, then I will not burn my hands with that hot iron?”“you are right.
God will protect you.” said the rich man.Now Hasan could not do anything but to hold red hot iron in his hands to prove his innocence, and that he was speaking the truth. He asked Akbar to give him one day to look for that necklace again and He went home.He took advice from Birbal.
Akbar Birbal Stories In English Pdf Free Download
When he returned next day, he said, “I am ready for that. But the same thing should apply to him too. If he is speaking the truth, then the red hot iron should not burn his hands also. So let him bring that red hot iron holding in his both hands, then I will hold that iron in my bare hands.”Now the rich man was speechless. He told the Akbar that he would go and search his necklace again in his house, maybe it was misplaced somewhere there.Akbar ordered to give necklace to Hasan as a punishment to the Rich man. One fine day Akbar was discussing the brinjal with Birbal. He told him what a delicious and nutritious vegetable it was.

Birbal agreed with him and said “Huzoor you are right brinjal is delicious vegetable”.After a few of days. Birbal was also eating at the palace that day. When the brinjal curry was served to Akbar, he refused it saying that it was a tasteless vegetable, full of seeds and lacking proper nutrition.Birbal, too, refused it saying that it was not good for health.
So Akbar impatiently asked him why he was saying such things when he praise brinjals a few days ago.Birbal replied that he had praised the brinjal only because his emperor had praised it and criticized it when his majesty had criticized it, as he was loyal to his emperor and to not the brinjal. He said that the brinjal could not make him a minister no matter how much he praised it. He went on to say that he was his majesty’s obedient servant, and not that of the brinjal.The King was pleased by his honest and witty response. Once an oil merchant and the villager came to Akbar with a quarrel about the money Bag.Merchant said that When the villager came to buy oil from him he gave them the oil and collected money from them. But villager said he had never visited Oil shop. Each claimed that the bag belonged to him.Everybody in the court were surprised and was waiting eagerly how Akbar would solve this problem.Akbar asked Birbal to find the solution.
He asked for some water in a bowl. The servant brought the water. Birbal placed the bag in the bowl. After sometime everybody saw some oil float on water. Birbal told that the bag belonged to the oil merchant not to the villager. If villager didnt visit the oil shop then there would be no oil on coins or bag.Everybody praised Birbal and the customer was punished.Comments: Categories.
Not only other people but also Akbar tried to defeat Birbal. Once Akbar was narrating a dream. The dream began with Akbar and Birbal walking towards each other on a dark night It was so dark that they could not see each other, and so collided and fell. The King said “Fortunately for me, I fell into a sea of Paayzam, an Indian sweet. But guess what Birbal fell into?” Courtiers asked “What, Huzoor?”“A gutter.” The whole court begin to laugh so loudly as they got a chance to laugh at Birbal. The King was happy as at least for once he had been able to defeat the Birbal.But Birbal was quite.
As soon as the laughter died, he said “Huzoor, I also had the same dream, but unlike you I slept on till the end. When you climbed out of that pool of delicious Paayazam, and I out of that stinking gutter, we found that there was no water to clean ourselves and so do you know what we did?”Akbar asked “What?”Birbal said “We licked each other to clean each other.”Akbar became speechless and he never tried let Birbal down again.Not only other people but also Akbar tried to defeat Birbal. Once Akbar was narrating a dream. The dream began with Akbar and Birbal walking towards each other on a dark night It was so dark that they could not see each other, and so collided and fell. The King said “Fortunately for me, I fell into a sea of Paayzam, an Indian sweet. But guess what Birbal fell into?” Courtiers asked “What, Huzoor?” “A gutter.” The whole court begin to laugh so loudly as they got a chance to laugh at Birbal. The King was happy as at least for once he had been able to defeat the Birbal.
But Birbal was quite. As soon as the laughter died, he said “Huzoor, I also had the same dream, but unlike you I slept on till the end. When you climbed out of that pool of delicious Paayazam, and I out of that stinking gutter, we found that there was no water to clean ourselves and so do you know what we did?” Akbar asked “What?” Birbal said “We licked each other to clean each other.” Akbar became speechless and he never tried let Birbal down again.Comments: Categories.