Hanssler Complete Bach Edition
Buy this set and you will be knee-deep in Bach – literally. The carton containing the CDs is so huge you'll have trouble lifting it. But opening it is exhilarating and overwhelming. There are treasures within for the most fanatic aficionados.Don't be wary about investing $1700 in the talents of one conductor. Helmut Rilling is a seasoned Bach conductor.

Not a proponent of the period instrument movement, he adopts a spirited modern approach. His orchestral pace is swift, his performers creative. In the harpsichord concertos, expertly performed by Robert Levin, Rilling's tempo is delicious – he treats rests more like notes than pauses.The performances range from the extraordinary to the acceptable with very few clunkers. Bach's resplendent choral works – the St.

Matthew and St. John Passions, the Christmas Oratorio, and the Mass in B minor – shake the room with baroque jubilance and anguish. Rilling applies the master's glorious counterpoint and polyphonic choral movements with emotive skill.
Hanssler Classics
John Passion contains the alternate versions for five sections. He infuses the eight volumes of the Bach chorale books with a refreshing humanism, unclogged by the usual solemnity. Unfortunately, all of them have the same boilerplate program notes. Other program notes in the series are more comprehensive.
You can disable the goggles if you find they restrict your view too much. Find the config files in.steamapps/common/rainbow six 3 gold/mod folder (which for some odd reason show as movie clips under windows 7, right click and open with notepad or whatever), comment out the line that begins with:mPlayerCtrlToSpawn=so that it looks like://mPlayerCtrlToSpawn=You need to do it for all 3 of the config files if you want to play any of the athena/iron wrath stuff as well.Wouldn't mind getting a bunch of people together for a ravenshield 2 night:) Sure, I'd be up for that. Originally posted by:You can disable the goggles if you find they restrict your view too much. Raven shield 2.0 download. Find the config files in.steamapps/common/rainbow six 3 gold/mod folder (which for some odd reason show as movie clips under windows 7, right click and open with notepad or whatever), comment out the line that begins with:mPlayerCtrlToSpawn=so that it looks like://mPlayerCtrlToSpawn=You need to do it for all 3 of the config files if you want to play any of the athena/iron wrath stuff as well.Wouldn't mind getting a bunch of people together for a ravenshield 2 night:).