Civic Welfare Training Program Activities For Senior

  1. Civic Welfare Training Service Importance
  2. Fun Activities For Senior Centers

Contents.Coverage Under the NSTP Program, both male and female college students of any course or in public or private educational institutions are obliged to undergo one of three program components for an academic period of two. The students, however, are free to choose which particular program component to take. The three NSTP Program components are:. (CWTS)This program component is designed to provide students with activities contributory to the general welfare and betterment of life of the members of the community especially those developed to improve social welfare services. (LTS)This program component is designed to train students in teaching and skills to schoolchildren. The hope is to continue learning on a peer - to - peer interaction.

(ROTC)This program component is designed to provide for students to mobilize them for national defense preparedness. This is also a glimpse for young people to see how military life is and encourage them into service.Graduates of the ROTC program component are organized into the Citizen Armed Force, while graduates of the LTS and CWTS program components are organized into the (NSRC) administered by the, the and.Precedents. Main article:Commonwealth Act No. 1, otherwise known as the 'National Defense Act', was enacted by the on 21 December 1935. It provided for obligatory for all male citizens of ages between 18 and 30. Presidential Decree No.

1706 Presidential Decree No. 1706, otherwise known as the 'National Service Law', was signed into law on 8 August 1980.

It made national service obligatory for all Filipino citizens and specified three categories of national service: civic welfare service, law enforcement service and military service. Republic Act 7077 Republic Act 7077, otherwise known as the 'Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act', was enacted by the 8th on 27 June 1991.

The Reservist Act provided for organization, training and utilization of, referred to in the Act as 'Citizen Soldiers'. The primary pool of manpower for the reservist organization are graduates of the basic and advance courses. Statistics According to the, over a ten-year period from 2002-2012 the CWTS component has produced 10,614,000 graduates, the highest among the three NSTP components. This is followed by the ROTC component, with 1,435,000 AFP reservists and the LTS component with 538,700 graduates. A comparison of the number of NSTP graduates per component, 2002-2012NSTP ComponentNo.

Of GraduatesCWTS10,614,000LTS538,700ROTC1,435,000See also.References. Labuguen, Florida C.; et al. Understanding the National Service Training Program. Mutya Publishing House. P. 11.

National Assembly of the Philippines. Retrieved 28 June 2013.

Ferdinand E. Retrieved 28 June 2013. 8th Congress of the Republic to the Philippines. Retrieved 28 June 2013. Liveta, Ronaldo A.

(April 28, 2015). 'NSTP-NSRC Updates and Challenges'. 13th National Congress of NSTP Educators and Implementors. Philippine Society of NSTP Educators and Implementors.

Example of cwts activities

Every year, hundreds of Lasallians are required to take the National Service Training Program (NSTP) pursuant to Republic Act No. 9163 or the NSTP Act of 2001. Recognizing the youth’s role in nation building, the act mandates that all tertiary level students be required to take NSTP as a requisite for graduation.For Lasallians, two specialized components are currently being offered under the NSTP, namely, the Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and the Literacy Training Service (LTS). As of press time, the University’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program is still undergoing evaluation.Behind the modified NSTP groupsTo address strains regarding schedules, extra- and activities, and health-related problems, the Center for Social Concern and Action (COSCA) offers modified NSTP variants.

Civic Welfare Training Service Importance

In an interview with The LaSallian, NSTP Team Leader and COSCA Special Projects Coordinator Carl Fernandez explains that there are three modified NSTP groups to cater to several students.“First, we have the athletes whom we consider as a modified class; second, we have the artists, members of the Culture and Arts Office (CAO); and third, we have the group forming the students with medical conditions and physical limitations,” Fernandez explains. Students for the first two groups are endorsed by the Office of Sports Development and the Culture and Arts Office, while students with medical conditions are granted enrollment to the program through personal application.

Last academic year, DLSU’s modified NSTP catered to three artist sections and four athlete sections.According to Fernandez, under the modified NSTP scheme, students still follow the same modules that regular CWTS and LTS students use in class. However, the main difference lies in the schedules. “For instance, the athletes cannot follow the regular schedules of CWTS and LTS, so sometimes they have Friday sessions. The same applies for artists who may have productions during Saturdays,” Fernandez shares.Modified NSTP students, according to Fernandez, still get deployed, travel to communities in jeeps, and immerse with the partner communities similar to students enrolled in regular NSTP.

Fun Activities For Senior Centers

However, modified NSTP sessions are manned by specialized facilitators that cater to the special groups. Fernandez also adds that there are special inputs for the modified sessions.Students under modified NSTP for medical concerns still participate in immersion, although they are assigned to barangays within short distance from the campus to address ease of access and problems related to their health. “These students were assigned to nearby barangays, particularly the Alternative Learning System center.

Specifically, for those with physical limitations and health concerns, we bring them to barangays within walking distance so they could still experience immersion,” Fernandez states.Concerning safety and securityIn order to maintain safety before, during, and after community immersion sessions start, COSCA places high importance in training, management, and skills preparation of facilitators in order to ensure student safety and security. For Fernandez, this entails numerous precautions on the part of COSCA.NSTP facilitators must undergo a rigorous training set in order to prepare them before they start facilitating sessions and immersions. “The facilitators all underwent a series of orientations and trainings in management of students, communities, project development, monitoring, and evaluation,” Fernandez shares. These trainings also cover other people involved, such as partner organizations and community personnel. Jeepney drivers who are hired for student deployment are also handpicked, screened, and oriented before enlistment into service. “We conduct orientation with the drivers in coordination with the local barangays and operators,” adds Fernandez.For Fernandez, proper coordination is the key to ensure student safety during immersion in partner communities.

“We forge partnerships with the partner organizations, deploy COSCA personnel to orient the community in student immersions, and employ measures to maximize student safety during immersions,” he states. In order to ensure that someone in the community commits to student safety, COSCA conducts contract signings, including a Memorandum of Understanding and Terms of Reference signing for facilitators. After immersions, the facilitators and community partners are also called for grading and evaluation to monitor their work.As of press time, COSCA has partnerships with 36 partner communities and organizations.On accidents and untoward incidentsSome students have experienced untoward incidents during immersions, including but not limited to road accidents and sexual and physical harassment.Kenneth Cortez (I, MEM-MR) narrates, “Some kids will not listen and would throw stuff at you. There also was this other kid that wanted to throw at me the scissors she had found.” However, Cortez reveals that in time, the situation became better for him.Meanwhile, Nicole Uy (I, LIM-BSA) shares that her section would repeatedly get into accidents during immersion sessions. She recounts that on the first immersion, a jeepney broke down.

She shares that on the second, one of the jeepneys assigned to their section hit a motorcycle while travelling, and, on the third, a car hit one of their jeepneys.In terms of dealing with facilitators, Uy also adds that their instructor refuses to believe anything other than his view that the students “did not pray hard enough, so the accident was their fault.”“Our facilitator scolded us. He said that we were not taking NSTP seriously and he was implying that the accidents were our fault,” she shares.Monitoring is essential to reduce the possibility of untoward incidents during fieldwork, according to Fernandez, in addition to close coordination and preparations. “Very open communication lines between the facilitators and the stakeholders in the community exist to convey concerns during immersion,” he states.Fernandez emphasizes the importance of close communication because COSCA cannot handle all the concerns alone. “There are a lot of immersion sites scattered around the region and a total of 151 NSTP sections mobilized this year. We cannot do it alone,” Fernandez explains.Another measure that COSCA takes to suppress possible accidents is to thoroughly check the jeepneys.

“We have a staff who makes tests to make sure that the jeepneys are okay,” Fernandez shares. “The approved jeepney’s plate number exists on the driver’s ID so that the drivers could not just use any available jeepney at hand,” he adds. Additionally, drug tests are also administered to jeepney drivers. He also notes that all jeepneys used in NSTP deployment are endorsed by the partner communities. “We only take jeepneys introduced by the communities, local leaders, and their operator associations in order to have someone accountable when concerns arise.”Fernandez also shares that documentation is essential whenever problems arise. “Any problems that the students encounter on the way to the partner communities are all documented so we can assess concerns and investigate problems as needed,” he says.When handling untoward incidents, Fernandez firmly establishes that COSCA employs due diligence to do everything in their power to prepare facilitators, partners, and personnel for immersions.

For him, following protocol is always necessary when handling incidents. Affected students during immersion sessions are always brought to the nearest hospital to attend to their needs.“All the facilitators and even the jeepney drivers know this protocol, such that whenever a student needs medical attention, they would be able to respond,” he says.

These protocols also include reporting to and communicating with area coordinators, formation coordinators, and community service coordinators whenever problems arise. He elaborates that precautions, such as having three jeepneys per section, are made in order to have backups in case problematic incidents happen.

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