J Dilla Drum Samples
I Just read the article on Deconstructed Rhythm, an MPC Drums sample back supposedly inspired by the sounds of the much respected and imitated late producer J Dilla. I'm surprised to say the least that musicians in this day actually fall for this sort of barefaced exploitation of a known name to sell products, did he endorsed it? It's just the same as Pixie Lott splashed all over London buses with a milk moustache (right now.)'Sponsorship'.
'Validation' or whatever you want to call it, helps sell stuff. Music technology is no different - it'll at least get people to have a listen, if not to buy.You're confusing the art of the music with the art of selling stuff.
And getting annoyed because you feel this kind of marketing is fooling people. I'd say it's unlikely, or if it is, only the most naive.
Whatever, it's not something to get that fussed over, it's just marketing.I've quoted it before, and I'll quote it again. From Van Morrison -'Music is spiritual. The music business is not.' (Including, in this case, the musical instrument business)Read, mark, learn, think about, and understand exactly what he is pointing out there. NEVER confuse the two!
J Dilla Drum Kit
Frequent Poster Posts: 815 Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:00 am. Got a link to the article?Dilla was an SP 1200 man I thought.With regard to the sample pack, well it doesn't matter, Hip-Hop is a genre based around using other peoples music and ideas to create something new. It isn't about digging for samples, although it helps to keep the genre fresh and sample packs like this help speed up the creation even more. But if you want a sound that sets you apart,if you are using samples from a CD or from a record you have dug, it is what you make out of it rather than how original the break is.The use of an artists name, particularly in death, may be insensitive and often with sample packs, unauthorised. I have seen plenty of 'Kanye West' or 'RZA' drum packs on ebay.Incidentally, didn't Dilla give Kanye a load of samples before he died?
I'm sure I read that somewhere once.Jedi Poster Posts: 4598 Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 12:00 am Location: Bristol, England. I don't think it matters much. I remember time ago Emagic released similar CD for EXS24 featuring samples from Pete Rock, RZA, QBert, Prince Paul, and the Roots. All the sounds were pretty useless IMO. Not many tails crossing at zero, clicks, pops, and a general unpleasant hiss. Made me think they just gave away very very crap sounds on purpose. But then in the context of a full sequence on an MPC, (yeah Dilla was SP;)), the sounds probably did work for them as well as the processing not present on the banks.There's nothing wrong with Dilla's estate making money off the name.

Everybody in showbiz does that kind of thing. Obviously, if it isn't endorsed, the key phrase here is 'inspired by'.kenFrequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 3344 Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:00 am Location: Somers Town. Ken long wrote:All the sounds were pretty useless IMO. Not many tails crossing at zero, clicks, pops, and a general unpleasant hiss.Good Hip Hop (i'm talking the mid 90s to early 2000 stuff really here - prior to all this electronic new school stuff) is all about the hiss, vinyl noise and non zero edited samples, can't see any problem with this at all. If you have a bunch of cleanly edited samples and you are not a very experienced programmer with a good mix engineer (or the ability to mix for yourself) you will struggle getting an authentic hip hop sound. These noises and textures fill the gaps and often create to the groove - making it easier for the less skilled beatmakers to get the authentic flavour. New here Posts: 4 Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:00 am.
Ken long wrote:And that's why I wrote in the context of an MPC/SP setup.I'm quite aware of the old school flavour. I've owned 2 SP1200s (still got one) and an MPC3K.Its only a problem when cats sample sounds out of these classic machines. Hiss is OK if it is constant but loading these types of sounds into very clean DAWs hardly ever works IMO. YMMV.kenDo you know what, i missed that sentence, apologies, I somewhat jumped the gun there. I do think however that the noise is a welcome addition to DAWs - adds the vibe that many are missing. New here Posts: 4 Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:00 am.
Ken long wrote:And that's why Pete Rock's engineers slaved trying to gate every output from hissy SP.;)I think noise for this genre CAN be a good thing. But when you start slicing up drum loops, the clean gaps in between makes it hard for me to suspend my disbelief!Again, YMMV.kenIf people slice at every transient then yeh the gaps issue is a problem. That's why it's probably better for newbies to slice every beat or even longer.
Free Drum Samples
The gaps and noise can contribute the flavour. New here Posts: 4 Joined: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:00 am. All those sample packs are mega WACK so I wouldn't even bother.Go out and spend your money on vinyl break beats instead, Skull Snaps any one?Dilla started out on a MPC-2000 classic and that's what he made most of the early stuff on, he then got a MPC-3000 which he's very well known for using. He also used a SP-1200 on the slum village stuff.Pete Rock now uses a MPC-2000XL:-( but his best tracks were made in his SP days Frequent Poster Posts: 1593 Joined: Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:00 am Location: Kent, UK. Vinyljunkie wrote:All those sample packs are mega WACK so I wouldn't even bother.Go out and spend your money on vinyl break beats instead, Skull Snaps any one?Have you heard these mega wack samples then since you berate them so openly?Well here's a man who's sample packs are PHAT!
J Dilla Drum Samples Free Download
Samplecraze is the fire.ken (happy customer)Thanks Ken, and I happen to be the guy who designed the J Dilla sample pack.So I am particularly interested to find out people's opinions here and where they source their information from.Moderator Posts: 8172 Joined: Fri Sep 12, 2003 12:00 am. Not tried them or even heard them. I was referring to EXS24's pack which was completely lost on me. Nothing usable back in the day and nothing usable now.
I think they cost £60 at the time from Turnkey.I do stand by my statement that its difficult to get good sample packs. More often than not, I'll find one or two useful sounds with the rest not really fit for purpose. Norton ghost 10 full version. Others may feel differently.Your percussion pack was spot on though mate. I've got some good mileage out of them already and its shaped some of my writing so 'mad props', as they say. Love the crisp castanets.:)kenFrequent Poster (Level2) Posts: 3344 Joined: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:00 am Location: Somers Town. All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2019. All rights reserved.The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers.
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