Panj Tara Song Video

  1. Panj Tara Song Video Full

Panj Tara Song Video Full

Dan AndrewsKeep eating your strawberries, guys!They taste the same cut in half. So chop them up, and don't let it affect our fruit growing industry and the hardworking men and women who rely on the power of your purchase.Whenever you see Victorian strawberries on your shelves, grab a punnet.(And as Harriet Shing MP reminded me, have your berries with local ice cream or yoghurt to help our dairy farmers, too.)P.S. If you and some mates are thinking of playing copycat as a bit of a prank, you should know that if you contaminate goods intending to cause public alarm or economic loss, then you can be jailed for up to 10 years under Victorian laws.

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