Download George Brown College Electronics Technician Program

  1. Electronics Technician Course

15 Little Known Facts about George Brown College Technical Training Programs.This video is about the 15 Little known facts about George Brown College Technicial Training programs and saving time by giving them to you.Hi, Scott here from GBCtechtraining. At GBCtech we are committed to helping you get the most out of your education with us. Our Student Resource Center is always available for you, and our Program and Support Consultants are ready to answer all your questions about the online technical programs.Today I would like to talk to you about some important but lesser known facts that will help optimize your learning experience while working on our online programs.To help you save a bit of time we’ve compiled a list of 15 little-known factsLet’s start by reviewing some Exams facts1. A module exam is successfully completed with a grade of 60% or higher and then can't be rewritten.2.

You have one opportunity to retake an exam without penalty but need to call a Support Consultant to reset your exam.3. Exams are automatically graded and your report card is emailed to you typically within 30 minutes.4. You must use Internet Explorer to access and take your module exams.Registration facts5.

When you register for our programs, your program USB/DVD is shipped to you by courier, free of charge, anywhere in the US and Canada.6. You can register for new modules online through your ”Account” in the Student Resource Center, without ever speaking to a Program ConsultantGeneral Content Facts7. Program curriculum including theory, simulation software and review exercises are all contained on a USB/DVD.8. All the program curriculum material is available offline to you at any time, as long as you have your USB or DVD in your computer.9. While you can work on the modules in any order, we recommend that you tackle them sequentially. Important concepts build on each other from one module to the next.10.

The only time you must be online is to access the Student Resource Center; to post on the forums; to review supplemental learning material or to take an exam.11. Once you’ve completed the program your access to the Resource Center expires, 30 days after taking your last exam.12.

The program USB/DVD is yours to keep. With it, you will always have access to the simulation software for future review, practice, and experimentation.13. There is no time limit set for completing the program which means you can work through the program at a pace that is most convenient and comfortable to you.Lastly Certificate information14. Once you complete the program your certificate is automatically mailed to you.15. Your GBC certificate typically takes 4-6 weeks to arrive in the mail.If you have any additional question please contact us at 1-888-553-5333 and speak to one of our Program Consultants.If you find this video helpful, please like, share or subscribe for more videos from gbctechtraining. You can also follow us on twitter at #gbctectraining.About GBCtechtraining.comA world-leader in distance education, The Continuing Education Department at George Brown College offers award-winning online technical training in Electronics, Electromechanical, Programmable Logic Controllers and Robotics.

The Centre for Continuous Learning provides distance education- based technical training to over 22,000 registered students, located all around the world.Check out all our online technician certificate courses by visiting.

Electronics Technician Course

Online Technical Training PLC and PLC Technician IIAs one of North America’s largest distance education providers, George Brown College offers a self-paced training alternative for students who cannot attend the traditional college environment on a full or part-time basis.Our Programmable Logic Controllers Technician and Programmable Logic Controllers Technician II programs are designed to help students enrich their knowledge by teaching essential industry skills like:. Design.

Programming. Installation.

Electronic repair technician school

Operation. Maintenance and troubleshooting.

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