Zaxwerks Proanimator Mac Serial

Posted by on Feb 6, 2014 Software ReviewProAnimator 7Publisher: ZaxwerksWebsite: Platform: PC/Macx32/x64: x64Description: 3D Animation Plugin for AE (or Standalone Program) for Titling and Lighting for AE.Purchase/Rent: PurchasePricing: New $399; Upgrade $139Download Demo: Discount: NoneExpected Release: Available NowReview Issue: #96 (02/14)Reviewed By: Mark BremmerFinal Score: 9.4 out of 10Zaxwerks has long been a denizen of the Adobe After Effects environs. They’ve chosen a very specific niche that has brought them success in the world of television bumpers and titling. The release of ProAnimator 7 offers some capabilities worth looking at that may be attractive to the microfilmmaker.The new features bring a significant level of simplicity to doing complex, 3D/CG lighting that resembles stages or ‘Events’ where bright lights, high activity and visual excitement is the rule.

Tucked along with this significant new ability is a revisited level of texture/material controls that make creating CG environments for non-3D fluent users very quick and easy.ProAnimator 7 does significantly more than lights, especially in the world of animating titles in the style of NFL bumpers and basic CG scene animation. This review focuses on the lighting abilities because it’s really the most viable component of this application for microfilmmakers. Ease of UseZaxwerks has embraced the philosophy of making things user friendly. This philosophy also acknowledges that many users aren’t 3D/CG wizards either. ProAnimator is crafted to eliminate the tedious nuts and bolts adjustments that are part of running a full-on CG application.

Zaxwerks Proanimator Mac Serial

Pro Animator Rig and Light InterfaceThe integration of this plugin with Adobe After Effects (AE) is a snap. After applying the ProAnimator effect to a track in AE, users are presented with a thoughtful and workflow streamlined interface. This ability to choose prebuilt lighting rigs greatly accelerates development time.More importantly is the fact that stage lighting and outdoor event rigs have click-and-drag adjustments for everything. For example, is your lighting truss too short? Just drag the adjustment slider and make it longer while the lights simultaneously re-adjust to the new length.

Likewise, multiple lights can be adjusted for color rotation, imperfections in alignment plus more can be altered with simple widget/slider controls. Depth of OptionsThe level of automated, easy-to-control options is fantastic. What’s more, the options are based upon user needs. Say, for example, your had a hero shot in your movie where the actor is against a green-screen so you can add a fan of dramatic spotlights shining into the sky behind them.

Zaxwerks Proanimator Full Crack

ProAnimators controls let’s you grab a prebuilt, trussed rig with a quantity of lights that can be adjusted by a slider control. Lighting brightness color and more is located first, followed by truss and light cone adjustments where you can select from a wide array of real-world gel/light cone effects. Length of the cones, fall-off and more can be modified as can lens flares for color, type and strength.

Finally, animating the lights individually or as a group is just super easy – and it doesn’t involve any key frame work either. ProAnimator 7 Pre-built RigsOne of the truly coolest things is that users can invoke actual CG models of lights that are linked to the lighting effects in the scene. Changing out lights for real search lights or a variety of stage lights is as easy as a menu selection. No complex rigging or geometry replacement required as with ‘normal’ CG applicationsNew highly realistic materials and textures also reflect this kind of common-sense set of controls for color, highlight, specularity, bump and more.Fundamentally, not only are there a wealth of good options for anything in the ProAnimator package, their implementation doesn’t require years of experience or complex interactions to achieve exactly what you are looking for.

PerformanceZaxwerks has also taken a smart approach to their tools as well. As users stack more complex actions onto their lighting rigs, when orbiting or navigating around the scene, the rendered preview immediately changes to a wireframe presentation so as to not slow scrolling to a crawl. ProAnimator 7 Lens FlaresProAnimator has been updated to play nice with the new AE Ray-traced rendering abilities too. For non-CG types, this means that things like reflections and other real-world light interactions are present.

Examine 2d software

Bottom line, Zaxwerks is keeping up with the host softwares capabilities.The only anomaly that I experienced was when changing light types. The Object List preview of the real-world light type did not update when changing. I had to select another track in the Object List and then re-select the lighting object which would then display the correct geometry selection. ValueIf you do any kind of titling, then ProAnimator is a no-brainer to purchase – it’s fast, smart and a real productivity enhancer. However, if the main appeal as a microfilmmaker is working with the lighting components, this becomes an expensive plugin.

That said, you get what you pay for: ease, quality and speed of productivity. If that’s what you need, then ProAnimator 7 quickly pays for itself in ease-of-use and results.

Even if you are a CG whiz with another tool set, the automated and common-sense features of this tool are impressive.

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